Wat Pho Bangkok Thailand             

About Astrology  !.....              

By Chianese Zodiac
By monthly Zodiac
By Datly Birthday
By Weekly Birthday                       
By Chianese Zodiac For 2013
By Monthly Zodiac For  2013


Astrology Knowledge!.....    
Color of your Car                        
Job & Money By Zodiac               
Sex & Zodiac
Love & Group Blood

Strengths & Weaknesses          




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About Us…..


          During 10 years ago , with the attention and service from us was increasing every year. Around 5 years ago, Foreigners have come to our services more than1,000 peoples per year, Mostly Japanese known to us from introducing from internet and someone who use our services and to find out our more information from google serch of the Japanese to use our services and  they were impressed and  useful to  be valid, Many people make life better. The results of this service to post widely, And hope that will benefit the general people.


          Although we are a yong fortune teller. If compared to the general fortune teller in the world, But we have long experience a fortune teller. We study and practice of prediction by palm ,birthday , numberlogy and related sciences such as field of astrology from a reliable.I have training and learning meditation for more than 22 years, and that we can speak English and Japanese as well. Before starting this business 7 years ago, I made a case study to check the horoscope of the people  both Thai and foreign to free more than 1,500 people experience. And learn the Fortune Telling of people around the world, Especially in Japaness. It mede me expertise and confidence in order to our customers needs.


        Since I have been studying at the famous Institute of Political Science, Economics and Business Advanced Marketing. I would like to work in  love and expertise. Most importantly, I done  happiness. And I am proud that I can make many people happy to be able to decide. Of  my forecast and  our recommended.

 chatri S.




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