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y year of the Rat

This is not soo good for people born in the Year of the Rat. Because they have  obstacles from accumulated in recent years.
The work will have to solve it , requires patience, Decisions have to be careful in their work.
May have greater financial expenses. There are not enough revenues to expense.
Love ,they  were not be smooth ,should be avoid controversy.
The healthy is not worry, Should find time to relax with my family.
The travel of this year should  be not
The Westnorth is  lucky of this year.


Year of the Ox

This year is very good. To be successful for the job. May be adjusted or relocated to a higher position. Have more responsibility.
Who works for the State. Contacts abroad. to be successful.
The financial will be fortunately  year. But to spend out with entertainment to happiness for yourself.
Love is happy. Who have not lover, They will meet someone for love. But be careful to talk.
The healthy and travel must be careful at the end of the year.
The  north. is  lucky of this year.



Year of tiger

This year  will  to much pay. They got  problem from the intimate friend.
The travel should  be aware of water accidents  or loss of property in travel.

Love , The relationship between the couples will be better.
The healthy will be sickness. 
This year is lucky in job. The good news for jobs  or may be in a position to move higher.

This year may have to travel far. Because of the work.
The north is lucky  this year.


Year of the Rabbit

This year they are both happy and joyless alternately. I had the good fortune in finance. It is easy to pay.
The job will be hard in the beginning of the year. The mid-year and year-end will be better. Get a job or relocation within in company.
who  is in love. They have to be careful  a small problem become a big problem  and broken by their own emotions.
The healthy  is not worry. Traveling will be happy.
The Southeast is lucky  this year.



Year of the Dragon

It is very good year , Successfully for jobs.
May be adjusted or relocated to a higher position for more responsibility.
For people working in the entertainment, financial success and reputation.
The financial of year is lucky ,But to spend out with entertainment for a happiness for yourself.
Love will be bright. Who have not lover , could be  meet love . But be careful to talk.
The healthy and travel must be careful at the end of the year.
The north is fortunately.


Year of the Snake

This year  have to much pay, Feel bad Because people closely get problems.
Travel must be  careful water safety or loss of property in travel.
The healthy  may be sickness or have surgery.
This year is lucky for good news  of jobs or may be in a position to move higher and have to travel far. Because of the work.
The North is lucky of this year.


Year of the Horse

This year, they are both happy and joyless  alternately. The year is good fortune in finance, But is easy to pay.
The job may be hard in the beginning of the year. But mid-year and a year-end will be better.
Who are in love, have to be careful will have a small problem become a big problem. or may broken by their own emotions.
The healthy is not worry. Traveling will be happy for reward themselves.
The Southeast is lucky of the year.


Year of the Goat

This year will see the progress of the work.
Good fortune and opportunity  is coming for them job.
For the negotiations will be successful.
May be  have anew jobs, new businesses coming into this year.
To meet new friends. New colleagues or a new love.
They will be careful healthy , Due to stress.
The East is lucky of this year.



Year of the Monkey

This year in early to avoid conflicts with those around you  or with others. be careful their  impatience.
To be careful the  financial problem get from the intimate friend,that  Being cheated  of people around them.
Travel accident would  be negligible or  be masked by a stranger.
But in the end will be happy. Problems can be solved.
The work will be successful.
The Southeast is lucky of this year.


Year of the Chicken

Finance and jobs is very well. Although the tiring. But will be very successful. The work has progressed well ,But a lot of financial revenues and It expenses too much.
For the communication to be effective. The skilled use specialized to good effect.
The love will be happy.
The healthy  will  sickness. This year should it merit.
Traveling  should be careful lost of property.
The South East is fortunately of  this year.



Year of the dog

There have the barrier for break through , tired body and downhearted ,But finally it will go well.
The event  year will be negotiated or do  by yourself. Minds also has to be worry However do not care about other people too much. The problem with yourself and those close
The financial will lean in this year year. Must careful spent on unnecessary
The love have problems from  jealousy. Do not understood together.
Traveling  is safe, but do not go far.
The west is lucky of this year.


Year of the Pig


This year is to increase new knowledge. Training on the job. The study will be completed.
The work has progressed in career. Will be supported by those in higher positions.
The love will be a happy or  getting married.
A healthy, weight will increase .
Travel may occur along with the work.
Money is good.
The West is lucky of this year.




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