Wat Pho Bangkok Thailand             


About Astrology  !.....    

By Chianese Zodiac
By monthly Zodiac
By Datly Birthday
By Weekly Birthday                       
By Chianese Zodiac For 2013
By Monthly Zodiac For  2013


Astrology Knowledge!.....    
Color of your Car                        
Job & Money By Zodiac               
Sex & Zodiac
Love & Group Blood

Strengths & Weaknesses          





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Skype ID            :     chatriastrology

Line ID              :  chatriastrology


TeL                 :  +66 (0)816295480






Dear my customers,


           My webside was organized to provide services for existing customers and who are interest in astrology.


     Covid 19 is not fate,..........

           But it makes life change,........


              During this time , It is difficult for us to meet directly .

              However , If you want , I can provide the service via  

                   Skype or Line Vedio Call any time ,.......


                        Just come to my site............




  I am always looking forward to hearing and see you soon ,.......


                                                                        Chatri S.









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