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By Chianese Zodiac For 2012
By Monthly Zodiac For  2012


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Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 20).

Financial and work is success as well. Them work will more responsibility. Lucky of financial in the first half year and will receive a lot of money, but with the increased expense the end of year and   be careful them health, especially  who like to drink alcohol.

Capricorn people of love in this year's winners of the love. If someone does not love they will find loved , who has lover, they will  be married .


Aquarius (21 Jan - 19 Feb).

Financial  in the first half of year  will a lot expenses, especially for entertainment and to be careful in spending.
During the first year may have to resolve the problem. Because of the problems of the past year. Should not be a big investment. The end of year  will be improved. And may be relocation. Or higher position.
The health of this year is strong  and should be travel during the year.
For  loved, They must be careful of arguments. Or not understood. be should careful  speech.


Pisces (20 Feb - 20. C).

This year's winners of the Pisces. Both work and financial. This year will be a move or get a higher position and greater return. Especially those who work in finance and banking in the early years of a moving residence. Or has real estate investment.
This year's strong and healthy The end of the Pisces to aware in love. Couples, especially those who have a age similar have to be careful of emotions and speech.


Aries (21 Mar - 19 Apr).

This year is fortunate to work will more secure.  financing, but the financing have to be careful. May have been cheated of the opposite sex. There may be problems of love. May have to break the later in the year. The health must be  careful allergic. This year is appropriate for investment about  real estate or speculation in gold

Taurus (April 20. York - 20 May).

This year's winners, financial and love of the Taurus. May receive large sum of money. Or awards. The end of the year will be successful in love , who have been lovers will married.
The health is careful to the health of someone close. Especially in the elderly. Most of this year was a year of hard work. Have more responsibility. Must careful thought. And management decisions.


Gemini (21 May - 21 Jun).

This year's winners of the works. For Gemini. Get job security. And enjoys the work.
The health careful to gain weight. The happiness in eating and drinking.
The financial and love be aware  close ones can  make problem.


Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22).

This is is not good for the financial and health careful in to the first half year.
May have errors terms of works. And will lose money or may apply in health care.
Their love was as lucky to have found true love, or pair. Be married  or jointly invested. Especially investment in the stock market.


Leo (23 Jul - 22 Aug).

In the first half of this year will be good, especially in finance and business investment will get good profits.In the mid of year beware  health , Especially who are blood pressure.

The end of year is the good news of love. Or from who are far.

During this year, Leo should not travel abroad.


Virgo (23 Aug - 23 Sep).

This year's Virgo need to be cautious in their spending and investment spending , Especially for entertainment. Tourism or investment real estate in the early years.
The healthy is good.
Their love must be a conflict.
The work this year is the year of hard work. The idea of ??planning. And solve problems all year. Should not be started. Or new projects.


Libra (23 Sep - 23 Oct).

This year's lucky work and the financial health of Libra. Will be offered new jobs. And receive return a lot of work.
Traveling to watch out for accidents caused by vehicles.
Their love is a conflict. Or needs to be stopped. Especially couples who are similar.
During this year may go abroad about work. Will be trained or learn more about work.


Scorpio (24 Oct - 22 Nov).

This year, the Scorpio, financial and love must be careful. They will  losing money , because of a conflict between the lovers. Serious talks. And emotional control. May lose money because of problems of their own mental and lover, and may affect health. The digestive system.
Their work was to get better results. Get support from authorities. Or may require the skills of negotiation.


Sagittarius (23 Nov - 21 Dec).

This year the lucky of both the financial and health of Sagittarius. May be used to pay for health care. And repair of housing.
The work must be careful conflicts with colleagues. Decisions must to be careful. Should avoid travel at night. Or invest in big business.
Their love will be successful. Due to is supported from the adults.     





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