Wat Pho Bangkok Thailand             

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By Chianese Zodiac
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By Chianese Zodiac For 2012
By Monthly Zodiac For  2012


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Last Update:  19/1/2566



They have a great power, gennerouse and thought leadership, Proud of yourself. Lucky in trip.If they are Migrated from hometown to be rich and lucky money.

The downside is impatient.

The gold color is lucky.
They like spicy food.
The Spirituality is man. They have a great power, gennerouse and thought leadership, Proud of yourself. Lucky in trip.If they are Migrated from hometown to be rich and lucky money.



Thay are well known in the community and lovely person,Good human relations.
There are many good friends,Attractive one  and beauty-loving.


The downside is sensitive.


They like a tasteless food, Like aroma.
White clay is very lucky.
The Spirituality  is woman.



They are  strengthened  ,patient ,a fighter,but be sincere.
They are Love of freedom , romance and ambition.
IF they are Migration from home is good. and impatient


The downside is  spread.

They like salty and spicy food.
Pink and red is the lucky color .
The Spirituality is man or warrior.




They are always relationship with otherone ,  love to read , Creative and good negotiation.
They love in nature and travel.
They like Sufficiently living and  justice.



The downside is  easily believe.


They like smell food.
The Green is lucky color and spirituality is a mix of men and women or Intellectuals.


They are a good knowledge , stable of thinking , ideology and  justice.
They will successful in a distant homeland and come back at the end of life.
They are usually get in trouble by them friend.


The downside is thinking too much and slow decision.


They like sweet food.
The lucky color is golden ,yellow and orange.
The Spirituality is man or Brahmin.



They are appreciated in society,has many friends, a good personality,tastes good.
They like  art work ,entertainment.and lucky for the money.
They like in high society.


The downside is like the erotic .  


They like sweet food.
The lucky color is blue or copper-red
The Spirituality is a woman or finance and administration.



They like sour   food .
The lucky color lead-gray  color and  purple  .
The Spirituality is a mix of men and women or Intellectuals.


The downside is suffers from worry. 


To be successful, due to  the patient.
They are strong and not open personallity.
They have clear goal ,honest , ambition.
They like to receive support of friends.





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