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who be born between date 22 December - 20 January. 
be careful, the work might make a mistake, can be likely new boss, or, the new work is.    , Must.    use the statement and sagacious for.    lucky in work.
money is endless, reach easy go out easy, must know save, must be careful spending and shopping.
the single person still might not hope the love, a person has had a pair already should persuade a.    lover to make merit often.
Lucky Month,.       January, May,  September.
Lucky Day,.          Sunday, Wednesday.


who be born between date 21 January – 22 February.

Beware conflict with boss.    Must know to adapt.  Toward adults. 
Have been less careful, but pay more.    Is not appropriate for the investment.    And may lose money by accident.
Single dating new people become aware intervenor.    A pair already aware about jealousy.    Often about love, jealousy.
Lucky Month,.         April  ,November. 
Lucky Day,.            Tuesday ,Saturday.


who be born between dates 21 February – 22 March.
The work distinctive.    Are creative.    The opportunity to.    May be new to the project management.    Or has been appointed as the challenge.
Financial flexibility.    The investment may be increased.    But be careful of the contract documents.    The loans must be secured.
Spouses, lovers fall.    Relationship very well.    Must be known temperance.    Speech.    If married must be careful conflict.  Not understanding between the parties.    Jealousy may not trust each other.    Or a third party may come.     Cause not trust each other jealous. 
Lucky Month,.          June , September. 
Lucky Day,.           Thursday and Friday


who be born between dates 22 March – 21 April.
A new relocation opportunities.    Or work better.    More stable.    Or have more money.    Is the best for the new change.    Year changes in the lives of many.    Minds must be ready to accept change.
Can have more money.    But spending increased by.    Beware of the fair lending money to others.    May not be returned.
Celibate or married.    Love life will be quite restless.    Thought to be a problem any time.    Must be decided not by conscious emotions.
Lucky Month,.           February   And November.
Lucky Day,.               Tuesday ,Sunday


For people born between the dates 22 April  -21 May. 
People regularly need to be careful not to communicate understanding boss.    Trade between the rivals.    New business investment, not just big. 
Beware lavish extravagant expense.  From the social.    Home security may help to save it. 
Despite its remoteness do not understand each other.    But to an understanding together.    For single people.    Suggest that the first single to be better.
Lucky Month,.          January.    September 
Lucky Day,.              Thursday   , Saturday


For people born between the dates 22May  -21 June .
Work began.    Reputation started.     Works well advanced.    But perhaps the issue is with people.    Beware competitors.    And violations of intellectual property.
Revenues will flow a lot.    But to keep Savings know.    May need to be careful strangers hollow tower.    Employers will need to contact deposition.    Or may have problems with family.    Money on the property.
People with dual problems will often conflict with spouses.    May be spouses.  No doubt jealous lovers trust each other.    Young single press may become defamatory.    No fans or people who love the safest in this regard. 
Lucky Month,.           April , September
Lucky Day,.               Monday , Wednesday


For people born between the dates 22 June - 21 July . 
The work is quite dynamic.    Even better this year.    But late in the conflict may be a problem like any other type of boring.    Owner who is pain may be subject satellite.  Less family harmony.    Are frequently missing
Financial seamless.    But should keep the revenue expenditure monitoring.    Be careful.     Have much social tax.    Will have problems with relatives on the property.    Do not try to use the money ย bow bow model thoroughly.    Must be planned costs in everyday life. 
Disturbances may be early to work on.    Take care mate who has no love.  Single woman had the opportunity to associate with foreigners be found.    People away from home, or high.    Friends of opposite sex or age over several years to close commitments. 
Lucky Month,.       March.   , August. 
Lucky Day,.           Tuesday , Saturday



For people born between the dates 22 July - 21 August . 
The best job possible.    Good progress tomorrow.    But you must know temperance.    Not exercise decision-making.    The sense in solving problems.
Into more revenue.    But be careful to defraud.    Do not trust anyone any money.    Beware the money from the accident vehicle.    Have the opportunity to invest in family and family. 
Relationships in the family very well.    Must be aware of serious conflict.    Known temperate speech. 
Lucky Month,.        January , May. 
Lucky Day,.            Sunday , Monday

For people born between the dates 22August - 21 September .
People regularly feel weary.    Have any questions, be jealous because boss.    Or conflict with the boss.    Business people will receive support from authorities assign.    But be careful competitors.    And cause trouble from someone near. 
Revenue has been very consistently.    But do not expect much.    Be careful to guarantee people.  Or financial trouble from others. 
Relationships may fall.    Must add sweetness to know each other.    Single people still have to wait.    Because the fate of their loved one's group is not stable. 
Lucky Month,.         March , And June 
Lucky Day,.             Momday , Thurday


For people born between the dates 22 September - 21 October .
The work will gradually improve this year.  Will receive support from colleagues to the more advanced.    But may be serious work.  And more responsibility in the early years.    But can pass well.  Consumer business must be careful in expanding investment. 
Financial flexibility.    Been left to pay the right.    Very social.    Do not trust the financial henchman.    Will be supported on financial promotion.    And investment. 
People are already partners must be careful to involve third party.    And cause problems parting.    People do not love people must be careful placebo or fake love.    Do not trust young unmarried opposite sex may regret later. 
Lucky Month,.           July,  August 
Lucky Day,.               Wednesday , Thurday

For people born between the dates  22 October - 21 November . 
The early work may conflict with colleagues.    Late last year, but may well be the one to buy.    Or relocation to a higher position.    People must do to cope.    The additional investment will need to study well before.    Beware gold have been exploited and benefits.
Beware expense than revenue.    Do not trust other people management funds.    Do not let anyone borrow money.    Potential bad debt. 
Emotions of love is not secure.    Often willful.    Single people could be tumultuous.    Thought about love.    Relationship is not progressing. 
Lucky Month,.         April , November 
Lucky Day,.             Wednesday ,Friday

For people born between the dates 22 November - 21 December . 
And the business must be primarily self-reliant.    Beware conflict with the satellite.    And someone else.    Must understand and resolve problems in the crown.    Do not just hope to others. 
Financial transactions must be careful.    The contract documents on financial need and will cover as many rounds.    Money will be hard work. 
Love is not bright.    There may be obstacles from family parties.    Must keep each other feel.    Single elderly people who may have found a new partner.
Lucky Month,.            April and August.
Lucky Day,.                Tuesday and Friday.





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